14th October 2024

Search Morley Parish Council

Morley Parish Council Serving the people of Morley Derbyshire



Whittle - to fret, to worry.

Twitchell - narrow lane between houses.

Twitch - couch grass (1595).

Slang - long narrow strip of land (1610).

Addle – (lit. cow urine) e.g. Addled egg.

Addle – (lit. to confuse) e.g addle pate - confused person.

Addle - (lit. property) to earn e.g. to addle one's keep (1580).

Wraps – (lit. coils or rings 1523)- entrails.

Kek, Kekay - hollow stemmed plant - cow parsley, dry stalk as dry as a kek.

Soof, suff, sough - underground drain, used extensively in the reports of the Overseer of the Highway for Morley.

Fleake - an obsolete form of flake or hurdle, a temporary gate.

Tundish - funnel used formerly to fill the tun i.e. beer barrel.

Lap - to wrap.

Lap - to take up liquid with the tongue i.e. as a cat.

Fodderam – (lit. dry food for cattle) feeding passage for cattle.

Bing - (lit. heap or pile 1513) feeding place.

Drugget – coco matting.

Wintercracks - Bullaces, hedge fruit.

Frit - frightened.

Snap – (lit. slight or hasty meal 1631) cold packed food.

Boozen - manger.

Nesh - (lit. tender 1530) susceptible to cold.

Sile – (lit. strainer 1459) strainer of milk.

Sile - description of very heavy rain (1703)'It siled down'.

Jitty - entry between houses.

Dab in - to work hard.

Mardy - spoilt.

Firk - to scratch or scrape like a hen.

Clemned - starved.

Frem - fresh - usually said of the lush Spring grass.

Moggy - a mouse (Derbyshire) elsewhere a cat!

Sprassin - courting.

Codged - rough job.

Clarty - thick, cloying, e.g. food thick on the tongue.

Maslin kettle - pan formerly used to cook maslin(mixture of wheat,rye and maize)now used for a preservative pan.

Cofer, coffer - Chest with a lid (often mentioned in eighteenth century Derbyshire farm inventories).

Creed - a milk pudding which has creamed by very slow cooking.

July 27th Mary Turner buried aged 16 yrs - she died after four days illness of a putrid fever (from drinking cold water and sitting in the cold when heated with washing).

Aug. 11th John Slater buried aged 24 yrs - his death was the same as Mary Turners, from taking cold after mowing?


August 13th Christopher Smith from Ramsay Huntingdonshire was buried aged 37 yrs - he died quite choked up with fat as did his mother in the year 94.


Buried Rebecka Mason aged 90 yrs - the ouldest that I ever buried sins I was clark. (added in a different hand) you forget John Day was as old.


Oct. 16th Thos Stanley buried aged 61 yrs. Ale


Oct. 2nd The Rev. Robert Wilmot, Rector of this Parish was buried aged 53 yrs. This funeral shewed an assembly of the whole Parish with tears and sadness on every face.

* Probably Goitre.


1. "English Industries of the Middle Ages", L.F.Salzman 1964.

2. "History,Gazeteer and Directory of the County of Derby", S.Glover 1829,Volume 1, Part 1 Page 55.

3. "History,Gazeteer and Directory of the County of Derby", S.Glover 1829,Volume 1, Part 1 Page 186.

4. Reverend Robert Wilmot (1777 - 1893).

5. "The Place Names of Derbyshire", Dr.K.Cameron 1959, Volume 2 of 3.

6. P.H.Currey,Esq.,F.R.I.B.A.,Hon.Sec.Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society 1901 - 1929.

7. Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, Volume 34 1912, pages 2 -3. (P.H.Currey).

8. Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, Volume 8, page 207 (W. Thompson Watkin).

9. "Victoria County History" Volume 1,1905 Page 375 (W.Andrew).

10. J.W.Allen,Esq.,F.G.S. Member Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society.

11. R.W.P.Cockerton,Esq.,LL,BF.S.A, Member Derbyshire Archaeo¬logical & Natural History Society.

12. Reverend Samuel Fox (1844 - 1870) "History and Antiquities of the Church of St. Matthew Morley" 1872.

13. Mrs.Gwen Compton Bracebridge, wife of Reverend J. Compton Bracebridge (1938 - 1958) "A History of St. Matthew's Church Morley"

1949 (reprinted 1960).

14. "History & Gazeteer of Derbyshire" 1846.

15. F.S.Ogden,Esq.,F.R.I.C.S. Churchwarden 1922 - 1977.

16. Reverend Charles Kerry, Rector of Smalley and author of "Smalley, History and Legends" Volume 1 1905, Volume 2 1907.

17. S. Bagshaw 1846.

18. "History, Gazeteer and Directory of the County of Derby" 1857, Francis White & Co.

19. "Old ChurCh Gallery Minstrels" Canon K.H.McDermott 1948.

20. Reverend H.R. Bradshaw (1876 - ?)

21. Reverend C.J. Boden (1883 - 1917)

22. Reverend R.P. Stacy Waddy (1959 - 1966)

23. Reverend G.W. Burningham (1967 - 1972)

Last updated: Sat, 22 Jul 2017 14:00